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the (not so) FAQ
about this page and its creator

This section's still pretty sketchy. More stuff soon.

info on myself

info on where i live

about myself (it's not mahir, but it's a start ;)

Well, my name's Nat (Nathanael Ng for long). I'm a 21-year-old guy from Singapore.
What do I look like? Well, I'd put my graduation photos up, only they aren't much to look at. For that matter, neither am I. :) I might do it sometime though, depending on when I find time and/or the inclination to do so.

My interests include listening to music (I can bang on the piano, but whether the result counts as music is debatable), sketching (although the results are almost uniformly unpresentable), computer graphics (dovetails nicely with sketching), programming (which is sort of the main focus of this site) and games. I read quite a bit too - mostly science fiction and fantasy novels, with the odd excursion into philosophy and other stuff. Obviously, I also like building websites - maintaining them, however, is a different story altogether.

Physical activity? Sports? No comprendo, senor. ;)

As for ethnicity, I'm Chinese - Hakka by blood, although I've absorbed exactly 0% of that particular group's culture, give or take a bit.

about the place where I live

I live in the small island nation of Singapore. Here you can find a map of the place.

Was on holiday in Melbourne, Australia, with family, from 14/12/02 to 22/12/02. See photos here.

Portfolio available here.

Send comments, bouquets, brickbats, &c. to nghsiene@comp.nus.edu.sg. Send angry flames to billgates@microsoft.com.