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12th November 2002

New goodies. The mobile phone ringtones are on hold, but you can download my (very small) collection of anime-related Sims skins in the files section.

02nd October 2002

OMG. It's nearly been 2 years since I last updated. Well, the site is coming back... slowly but surely. First thing to appear will be my collection of self-composed mobile phone ringtones. Yes, the Army does suck your brains out. The tones will be from anime, a couple of video games, and pop songs (mostly Stefanie Sun). Interested? Stick around till the weekend and they might appear...

26th October 2000

Things have been tough for the last few months, but I've sort of regained my life (at least partially) now. :) I've put together a bit of content, which will be uploaded in stages (read: as and when I manage to find the time, which could be as late as next year :-| ).

It's odd (to the modern netuser) but true: the Web used to be composed of small personal "pockets" of webspace (back in the '90s) rather than the big impersonal glitzy portals and corporate sites we see all over these days. That way of life still seems to have a certain sort of charm about it, as will be obvious to anyone who's ever visited this page. In view of this, then, I guess a bit more info about myself can't hurt (although I'll freely admit that it's more than a little self-indulgent): find it here.

06th May 2000

I just got a bargain price on an academic edition of Delphi 5. :) Am currently still trying to get used to it (all over again).

Oh, and I just have to put this up. I recently came across a webpage created by an absolute newbie. It LOOKED fancy enough, with DHTML and all the frills, but the whole site simply screamed "UNPROFESSIONAL" as clearly as if it had been stamped in an H1 tag across the top of the page. With that in mind, here are some Common Mistakes To Avoid When Creating Web Pages:

Mistake 1: Colour Clash
This seems obvious, but isn't. The person in question (whom I personally know) has impeccable taste in most matters. However, her use of cyan and electric-blue text on a dark orange-brown background was absolutely and totally uncalled-for. Some colour combinations DO NOT work, folks - and don't go squawking "Oh, Wired did it this way, so I can too!" If you're anything but extremely experienced, my friend, then let me assure you - You Are NOT Wired. Stick with safe colours.
Mistake 2: Diarrhoea
In other words - an excess of overly-fluid motion. This refers to those newbies who start out with Dreamweaver or some similar program - text and images spin onto the screen, slide onto the screen, drop onto the screen, rise onto the screen, etc. One line of text, or one image, is just about the limit when you're dealing with that. When more than half the words and images on the page are suffering from chronic hyperactivity, it's a sure sign that the creator either (a) has an extreme lack of good taste, or (b) is a rank amateur (and by "rank" I also mean "foul-smelling").
Mistake 3: Image Insanity (part the first)
Don't use the size features on the IMG tag ("HEIGHT" and "WIDTH") to downsize an image. If you need a smaller image, use an image editor to shrink it and save the smaller version separately. There are two reasons for this:
first, it makes the small image look better, and
second, it decreases load time.
Having a long load time due to a large image is sometimes forgivable, but having a long load time because you didn't bother to lift a finger and manually shrink the images is totally inexcusable.
Yes, I know that many popular HTML editors will use the HEIGHT and WIDTH things to do autodownsizing. That's not an acceptable excuse. If you have to manually "handle-and-drag" the image down to a smaller size in your HTML editor, you're already guilty. Decide on a size, use an image editor to MAKE the image that size, and then don't resize it in the HTML editor.
Mistake 3: Image Insanity (part the second)
also known as - Why We Need Both GIFs And JPEGs.
For large images, unless they contain large expanses of plain colour, don't use GIFs. Save the image as a JPG - in the image editor, that is. This will slash download times by a factor of (probably) 50%. Under NO circumstances should you "rename" a GIF to a JPG and think that this makes it a JPG (or vice versa). It doesn't. (For the experienced - don't laugh; it's entirely possible to think like that.)
For images which have just a few colours and/or few "smooth" gradual changes in tone - save it as a GIF, and (more importantly) remember to reduce the colour depth as far as possible. "Huh? What do you mean?" you ask. Well, it's simple. Most image editors will have some sort of function like "reduce colour depth" or "compress palette" or something. Use it to reduce the image colour depth (the number of colours) as far as you can go without sacrificing too much image quality. Once again, this will probably cause significant speed increases. If you manage to reduce a 256-colour image to 16 colours, that effectively halves the image file size and doubles the speed with which it loads.
Another note: 16-bit colour does NOT mean 16 colours! A quick guide here - 16-bit colour means 65536 colours. 24-bit means 16 million colours (approximately). 32-bit means 4 BILLION (that's 4000000000 for those of you who have a different definition of billion) colours. JPG files are usually about the same size even if their colour depth is very high, so you can feel free to use 32-bit colour. GIF files never have more than 256 colours, and even then that's way too many for a large image. You can push many images down to 16 or 32 colours without significant loss of quality, but if you want photo-quality images, don't even THINK about using a GIF.

31st March 2000

Excuse the banner; my new host (freeservers.com) requires it. :| Not much (read: Nothing whatsoever) is new; I'm still settling in.

28th November 1999

I think you can probably tell that my FYP (that's final year project for the TLA-challenged) has eaten my time like nobody's business. =|

Well, I'm back to regular updates. It's kinda disappointing that over the past few days, my hit count has been dismally low - but then I guess it's partly my not updating for months that's the problem. =P

So, what you can expect to see in the next few days (read: weeks) includes:

  • a bunch of new renderings from this little "virtual island" I'm building
  • some new Java code for all the bitheads out there. This may actually be useful to the average guy - it's a Java utility designed to download the entire contents of a webpage. Nice if you've come across one of those HTML FAQs on the web and don't want to spend your precious time shift-clicking on each image to download it.
    <BLATANT_PLUG> Nicer for downloading the Codex, this wonderful site, so that you can enjoy its wonderfulness offline. :) </BLATANT_PLUG>
  • a new chapter in the Java tutorial, on algorithm design. Yes, this is a bit out of scope, but I want to give neophyte programmers a sense of scope. Otherwise you might as well be programming pretty slideshows (which, unfortunately, is what the majority of applets on the web, including my very own Frac, are). =|
  • finally, a decent button to link to the Codex, rather than that plugin-required thing! If I had my way, VRML plugins would be standard on all web browsers... but if I had my way, I'd be running a million-dollar-a-year web design firm.
Well, off to work. Ta ta for now, and remember to visit regularly!

Update: the button is done! Check it out on the Links page.

3rd August 1999

Slow updates. Mucho apologies. :) Check out Frac in the Code section. It includes the actual applet.

26th June 1999
Finally, the Humour section's been updated. Most important (but not the only) change is a link leading here...

25th June 1999

t h e   s c e n t   o f   m a g i c ,   t h e   b e a u t y   t h a t ' s   b e e n
w h e n   l o v e   w a s   w i l d e r   t h a n   t h e   w i n d

*sigh*. Somewhere along the line I got sidetracked since the last entry. :( Busy, busy, busy... the VRML game will be done before term opens on the 12th hopefully, while you can expect a new bunch of renderings up soon in the Media section. And this time, I promise they won't look like late-80's audio equipment. :) Humour section will be updated sometime soon.

13th June 1999
Couple of pending projects - firstly, to make a little VRML game using the Java EAI to help me learn its ins and outs - I'll need the knowledge for my FYP. Secondly, I'm gonna try converting this site to XML and using XSL to "translate" the XML docs into HTML. Should help significantly with maintainability. Hopefully these will be up soon.

Also, I'll be digging around in my directory to see if any of the stuff there is worth your bandwidth to download. Look for new stuff in the Files section sometime soon.

Finally, I've started up a Humour section. Look for it under Resources on the menu. 4 humourous articles or jokes, and counting (no time to sift thru the approx. 60-70 in my collection)...

11th June 1999

I'm currently up at 2 am, courtesy of sleeplessness. No, I am not on a caffeine high.
Big changes are afoot for this site, mainly because I'm feeling too hyper to NOT make them. Very very soon (within a couple hours hopefully), you will be able to download a whole collection of quasi-useful junk via a Goodies section. Also, the Links page is undergoing a few improvements, and I might just be finishing up with the first chapter of 'JAVA for Freshies' (JIT, as they say...) :)
Until then, ciao, tata, and have a nice postcard courtesy of Never-Never-Sleep-Land...

Update - it's 3:35 and the Files and Links are done. Now to finish up on the Java Tutorial - if I sound a bit grumpy there, you know why. :)

Update #2 - it's 4:30 and I just completed the first few sections of the now-renamed Java Guide (too many bad connotations in the other name :) . Enjoy - and now it's time for me to...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzza2375np93;82u dfvjv949ut 94

This page was created with pico, the UNIX text editor. :)
As always, comments, bouquets and constructive criticism go to nghsiene@comp.nus.edu.sg; angry flames go to this guy. :)